viernes, 8 de octubre de 2010


According to the IOM, almost half of the total number of migrant workers in the world today are women. It is important to acknowledge that labor migration may benefit them through economic and socio-cultural empowerment; however, due to their dual vulnerability as migrants and women, they are still disproportionately exposed to a variety of risks arising from their mobility.
They frequently have to deal with difficult living and working conditions, increased health risks, a lack of access to social services and various forms of abuse such as the confiscation of passports by their employers.

IOM is really concerned for women under this situation, that’s why it has developed certain rules and procedures to be carried out for the different states where this phenomenon is evidenced. These are some of the IOM proposals:
· Promoting legal and safe migration for women migrant workers
· Promoting policies that regulate the recruitment and deployment of women migrant workers
· Promoting and protecting women migrant workers' rights
· Counter-trafficking activities including capacity building and direct assistance to victims
· Research and data collection on women and international labor migration
· Fostering interstate dialogue and enhancing bilateral, regional, interregional and international cooperation
· Strategies to combat ill health among migrants and their host communities and through the integration of migrant health concerns into public health policies globally

These are some examples of the activities the IOM has done in different areas:

1. In Thailand, IOM promotes and protects the human rights of migrants by familiarizing various stakeholders on the rights and obligations of migrants and enhancing their understanding of migration issues through trainings, handbooks, newsletters, public campaigns and media. In each activity, a particular focus is given to vulnerabilities and risks faced by women migrant workers.
2. In Zambia, IOM manages a migrant support centre (75% of the beneficiaries are female) that offers ongoing awareness-raising activities on violence against women.
3. In Zimbabwe, IOM provides voluntary, counseling and testing (VCT), HIV post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP), and emergency contraceptives and counseling for gender-based violence survivors
4. In Ecuador, an Internships Initiative has been developed and facilitates placements for youth Victims of trafficking.
5. In Colombia, an initiative to provide assistance to demobilized minors and those at risk of recruitment.

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