viernes, 8 de octubre de 2010


This philosophical thought system embodies beliefs, values and behaviors of a large part of the African population, in which, a spirit of caring and community, harmony and hospitality, respect and responsiveness, is lived within a group.
By emphasizing these values, the philosophy helps in the creation of synergies within a company- the unity of the whole rather than the distinction of the parts- and therefore teamwork, a basic concept that can make a big change in the tasks performance and goals achievement.

A manager should be aware of the different management theories that are currently available, because even the Smith and Taylor classical theories have proved to work well; there is always a space to experience new ideas and to give space to the inclusion of more integrative and personal oriented approaches. Using the Ubuntu approach a manager can promote a sense of trust and belonging among employees, try to include them in the decision making process, emphasize the social well-being, balance the demand for technical competence and social savvy and can be flexible regarding cultural issues. All the mentioned aspects contribute to build a better working environment, not only in national enterprises, but also in companies with multicultural teams.
The advantages this philosophy can bring to a company are many; hence managers should become more familiar with these values to incorporate them in the policies of the company and evolve in management concepts.

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