jueves, 5 de agosto de 2010


Organizations as social arrangements are groups of people working towards a common objective. In order to achieve that goal they must follow a structure, some rules and even more important, they have to develop a high level of understanding so they can relate better and create better outcomes from mutual complementation. In this process the organizations are facing a new challenging factor: the globalization. Is hard to talk about these groups and not take into account, the existent diversity in most of them.

Globalization has spread the importance of being related with different countries around the world and has created awareness on the understanding of other cultures, knowledge and technologies that can affect an organization even if is too far away, or if is not too involved in international activities. That’s why it is important for companies to develop systems in which every talent is used in the best way, and where the diversity that each person can share, will make the group work in a pleasant environment where the ideas can be complemented achieving good results for the company and for their personal growth.

That cultural diversity has been analyzed by Geert Hofstede, who designed a model integrating five dimensions of culture. One of those dimensions, describe the level of uncertainty avoidance; meaning the degree in which people is tolerant to hesitations or ambiguities and in which a society will try to enforce or discourage laws to guide the behavior.
“Uncertainty avoiding cultures try to minimize the possibility of unknown situations by strict laws and rules, safety and security measures” (1), this definition can be applied to Colombia, where this index is really high, 80, and where society doesn`t accept changes easily. The opposite thing happens in Singapore, this country has one of the lower levels of uncertainty avoidance, 5.

An interest of one of the mentioned countries in doing investments or agreements with the other one, will required a lot of commitments, so they find a balance in the amount of rules and requirements that the companies must fulfill. This year the company International enterprise from Singapore said that Colombia will become the third destiny of their investments in Latin America, in projects of aqueduct and sewage (2). In order to accomplish this agreements Colombia will have to compromise some of its restrictions, not only to receive the investment but also to improve the country`s infrastructure conditions.

(2) "Singapur interesado en invertir en proyectos de infraestructura en Colombia" http://spanish.peopledaily.com.cn/31620/6959889.html

2 comentarios:

  1. I think that this is a great reflection of what Colombia can do to create a better environment for investment, because now at days the higher risk in Colombia is not the internal conflict; is the uncertainty avoidance specially about taxing and some laws referring to FDI (ex. Ley de regalias)

  2. I liked the fact that you emphasized at the beginning of your writing in globalization. I think it has a very important role when we are talking about cultural differences, it creates the necessity of knowing the other cultures in order to be successful when we are trying to do our business over there or simply when we go into other countries.
