lunes, 6 de septiembre de 2010


For this week assignment I want to propose a metaphor that can be use to promote a very regional and traditional product the “bocadillo”.

Is interesting to see how enterprises are developing new ideas for undergoing in new markets and exploring new concepts of businesses. The example of the Intercontinental hotels, trying to use a sound in their locations in order to create in the costumers a feeling of comfort and closeness to the brand, is a great sample of how different methodologies are being used nowadays to improve the people’s perception about the company.

In today’s case I want to internationalize the bocadillo under the metaphor: “taste the Colombian tropics”. The bocadillo is a traditional sweet product of Colombia. It is manufactured from ripe guava and sugar cane, creating a thick and chewy paste. It is traditionally consume as a dessert or as a complement to some beverages like milk or mazamorra (a traditional Colombia beverage made of corn and milk).
The strategy I want to propose is based on the creation of a feeling of belonging on the Colombians living abroad, as well as a pleasant memory of their country. By appealing to their memories and traditions, the product can have a good reception.
Also the metaphor refers to the bocadillo as an exotic and tropical taste, than can attract foreigners, and can create a desire to actually taste the tropic.